目的了解2010年手足口病重症病例流行特征,为制定科学合理的防控措施提供依据。方法对2010年邢台市桥东区内定点医院收治的103例手足口病重症病例进行流行病学分析。结果 2010年邢台市桥东区内定点医院共收治手足口病重症病例103例,死亡7例,病例涉及邢台地区15个县市区,呈高度散发,农村人口发病率高于市区人口,发病比为16.17:1,重症死亡率为6.80%;发病有明显季节性,主要集中在5月份。年龄分布以2岁以下为主,占总疫情的87.38%,尤其以1~2岁组高发;以散居儿童高发;男女性别之比1.34:1,男孩多发。以EV71感染为主,占76.70%。结论手足口病重症病例防控形势严峻,重症病例的发生有明显的年龄和季节差异,今后的防控重点应该放在婴幼儿,加强对家长的健康教育,对于手足口病患者应提高警惕,及早救治,防止重症病例的发生及死亡,同时加强手足口病监测工作。
Objective To understand the epidemiological features of HFMD cases in 2010 and provide basis for developing scientific and rational prevention and control measures. Methods The epidemiological analysis of 103 HFMD cases admitted to the designated hospital in Qiaodong district of Xingtai City in 2010 was conducted. Results In 2010, a total of 103 cases of hand-foot-mouth disease were admitted to the designated hospitals in Qiaodong district of Xingtai City, of which 7 died. The cases involved 15 counties and cities in Xingtai area, with a high incidence. The incidence rate of rural population was higher than that of urban population, The ratio was 16.17: 1, and the critical mortality rate was 6.80%. The incidence was obviously seasonal, mainly in May. The age distribution was dominated by 2 years of age, accounting for 87.38% of the total, especially in the age group of 1 to 2 years. The incidence was high in scattered children. The ratio of male to female was 1.34: 1, with multiple boys. EV71 infection, accounting for 76.70%. Conclusion Severe cases of hand, foot and mouth disease prevention and control of the situation is grim, severe cases of occurrence of significant age and seasonal differences in the future prevention and control should focus on infants and young children, strengthen parental health education, hand, foot and mouth disease patients should be vigilant, Early treatment to prevent the occurrence of severe cases and death, while strengthening hand-foot-mouth disease monitoring.