目的掌握唐山市职业病危害防范管理现状,探讨职业病防范管理的关键控制点。方法采用普查和重点调查相结合的方法,对唐山市及所属9区10县10个行业2 556家企业的职业病患病情况进行了调查,并对职业病患病率较高的2个行业(采矿业和制造业)的主要职业病危害因素进行深入调查。结果 10个行业接触职业病危害因素的总人数为8.596 9万人(24%)。其中职业病危害因素接触人数较多的行业有制造业和采矿业,分别占总数的75%和12%;职业病患病人数较多的行业有制造业、采矿业,分别占患病总数的40%和32%;采矿业的主要职业病危害因素是矽尘,制造业的职业病危害因素主要是矽尘、电焊烟尘和铸造粉尘。结论该市职业病防治管理的重点应在采矿业和制造业,矽尘为主要的职业病危害因素。
Objective To grasp the current situation of prevention and control of occupational hazards in Tangshan city and to explore the key control points of occupational disease prevention and management. Methods A total of 2 556 enterprises in 10 industries and 10 districts in Tangshan City and its 9 districts were enrolled in this study. The prevalence of occupational diseases was investigated in two industries (mining Industry and manufacturing) major occupational hazards in-depth investigation. Results The total number of workers exposed to occupational hazards in 10 industries was 8.596 million (24%). Among them, manufacturing and mining industries account for a large number of occupational hazards, accounting for 75% and 12% of the total, respectively. Manufacturing and mining industries, which occupy a larger number of occupational diseases, account for 40% And 32% respectively. The main occupational hazard factor in the mining industry is silica dust. The occupational hazards in the manufacturing industry are mainly silica dust, welding dust and foundry dust. Conclusion The prevention and control of occupational diseases in the city should focus on mining and manufacturing, and silica dust is the main occupational hazard factor.