Xu Xilin (1873-1907) The word Peter Sun, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, one of the important leaders of the Kuomintang, “father business, rich family,” “young reading, resolute and subtle, powerless to bend, the father is the Wizards.” On July 6, 1907, Xu Xilin launched an uprising in Anqing and stabbed En-Ming, an Anhui governor, to rate the students four hours fighting with the Qing troops. The shield was captived by the oligarchs and was bravely ditched that night. Xu Tilin as the “culprit” of the Anqing uprising. However, after the defeat of Anqing Uprising, the Qing court did not “punish even one person”. As a result of such unorthodox handling, historians always believed that because of Xu Xilin’s nationalistic righteousness, Affected the Qing bureaucracy, so that it had to