医院门诊计算机网络主要以挂号、划价、收费、付药等经济核算项目为中心内容。网络信息处理速度快、计算准确,能带来较高的社会效益和经济效益。我院门诊网络1995年开通,通过3年来对其技术改进和运行维护,积累了一些资料,总结出一些门诊网络的经验和教训。1 网络布线方案采用星型为宜 在工作站点较多情况下可以采用服务器联集线器;再通过双绞线联至微机终端方法,这种布线方式较总线方式可靠性要好。由于门诊收款站点多、线路长,在总线方式
The outpatient computer network of the hospital mainly focuses on economic accounting items such as registration, price allocation, fee collection and drug payment. The network information processing is fast and accurate, and it can bring high social and economic benefits. Our hospital outpatient service network was opened in 1995. Through three years of technical improvement and operation and maintenance, we have accumulated some information and summarized the experiences and lessons of some outpatient networks. 1 The network cabling scheme adopts a star type. It is appropriate to use a server-connected hub when there are many working sites, and then use a twisted-pair cable to connect to a computer terminal. This type of cabling is better than the bus method. Due to the large number of outpatient collection sites and long lines, the way of bus