
来源 :江西棉花 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wqfzqgkvbavba
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棉叶螨是棉花生产10大害虫为害最凶的一种,在江西棉区常有不同程度的发生为害,尤其是干旱和综合防治不力的年份或地区最为严重,对夺取棉花高产优质低耗的威胁极大。从药剂防治看,它对有机磷一类的常规农药的抗性日益增长,用提高药剂浓度和增加施药次数去歼灭害虫危害,致使造成农药极大浪费,又导致农药公害。对此,我省在1986年引进和应用高效、低毒、低残留,残效期长的新型农药克螨特,并在永修县进行了试验和示范,取得 Cotton spider mite is one of the ten most damaging types of cotton in the production of pests. It often occurs in different degrees in the cotton area of ​​Jiangxi Province, especially in the year or area where drought and comprehensive prevention and control are not strong. Great threat. From the perspective of the prevention and treatment of pesticides, its resistance to conventional pesticides, such as organophosphorus, is on the rise. With increasing the concentration of pesticides and increasing the number of pesticides applied, the pest and the insect pests are eliminated and the pesticide is greatly wasted and pesticide pollution is caused. In response, our province in 1986, the introduction and application of efficient, low toxicity, low residue, long residual period of the new pesticide mite special, and in Yongxiu county conducted a test and demonstration to obtain
上个世纪90年代初,中国曾掀起一股风靡全国的“钢琴热”。在当时的风潮带领下,有数十万琴童开始了学琴的生涯。然而随着时间的推移,当我们审视当初的学 In the early 90s of
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目的 :介绍新型 PET/ CT一体化显像仪的设计和临床应用。方法 :PET/ CT一体化显像仪由一个螺旋 CT(第三代 ,型号为 Som atom AR.SP)和 PET(标准的 ECAT ART组件 )组成的一体
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