
来源 :四川省卫生管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bolun365
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建立和完善社会保障体系是社会保障制度改革的一项重要系统工程。城镇职工基本医疗保险制度改革中的医疗机构配套改革使医院成为其主体和主角 ,它关系到医疗保障制度改革的成败。因此 ,医院的改革必须从国情出发 ,优先保证基本医疗服务 ,充分体现社会主义公平原则和为人民服务的宗旨 ;医院的改革必须处理好改革、发展与市场经济的关系 ,改善医疗的补偿机制 ;医院的改革必须适应医疗保障制度改革的策略 ,更新思想观念 ,转换运行机制 ,深化内部改革 ,规范服务行为 ,提高医院的社会信任度和满意度 ;医院的改革必须加强职工的思想政治和职业道德教育 ,使广大职工投身于医院改革成为一种自觉的行动。 Establishing and improving the social security system is an important systematic project for the reform of the social security system. The reform of medical institutions in the reform of the basic medical insurance system for urban workers has made the hospital its main body and protagonist. It is related to the success or failure of the reform of the medical security system. Therefore, hospital reform must proceed from the national conditions, give priority to ensuring basic medical services, fully embody the principles of socialist fairness and the purpose of serving the people; hospital reform must handle the relationship between reform, development and market economy, and improve the medical compensation mechanism; The reform of the hospital must adapt to the strategy of reforming the medical security system, update the ideology and concepts, change operational mechanisms, deepen internal reforms, standardize service behavior, and improve the hospital’s social trust and satisfaction; the reform of the hospital must strengthen the ideological and political and professional ethics of the workers. Education has made the majority of employees involved in hospital reforms a conscious action.
继 1970年代美国提出“健康国民 2 0 0 0(Healty People2 0 0 0 )”和英国号召“民族健康(The Health of the Nation)”之后 ,日本于进入 2 1世纪前夕发表了“健康日本 2 1”
小麦赤霉病是其生长后期最主要病害之一,该病在冬麦区流行频率增大,流行程度有加重趋势。在穗期多雨、气候潮湿的长江中下游冬小麦易大发生,引起产量损失较大。由于 Wheat s