加快绿化太行 依靠林果致富

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我县是革命老区,地处太行山东麓,境内山岭纵横,沟深坡陡,属深山区。全县总面积225万亩,其中耕地34万亩,宜林荒山157万亩,占总面积的69.5%,素有“八山半水分半田”之称。建国初期,我县是一个“光山秃岭和尚头,洪水下山遍地流,旱涝风雹年年有,十年九灾人人愁”的穷山区。当时全县有林面积仅2.9万亩。建国已来,我县人民在党和政府的领导下,发扬自力更生,艰苦奋斗的老区精神,发挥山多坡广,林果资源丰富的特点,大搞以绿化荒山为重点的治山治水活动,特别是1986年实施太行山绿化试点工程以来,我县的荒山绿化有了较快的发展,以经济沟为重点的林业工程 My county is a revolutionary old quarter, is located in the eastern foot of Taihang Mountains, the territory of the mountain aspect, ditch deep steep slope, is a mountainous area. The county a total area of ​​2250000 mus, of which 340000 acres of arable land, 157000 acres of barren hills, accounting for 69.5% of the total area, known as “half a mountain of water,” said. In the early days of the founding of New China, the county was a poor mountainous area where the monks of Guangsheng bald mountain, floods and desolate rivers flow everywhere, hailstones and floods year after year, and nine years of disaster. At that time the county has only 2.9 acres of forest area. Since the founding of New China, under the leadership of the party and the government, the people of our county have carried forward the spirit of the old quarter that relies on self-reliance and arduous struggle, has taken the advantage of extensive mountainous areas and rich resources of fruit resources, has vigorously engaged in water-control activities aimed at afforestation and barren hills, Since the implementation of the pilot project of greening the Taihang Mountains in 1986, there has been a rapid development of wasteland and afforestation in our county. The forestry project focusing on economic ditch
北京市建设委员会副主任张家明日前向中外媒体透露,北京奥运场馆建设遵循了北京城市总体规划要求,加快了所在地区既定规划目标的实现。 Zhang Jiaming, deputy director of