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鹅掌楸属水兰科鹅掌楸属,叶形奇特、花大而美丽,是世界著名的庭园观叶树种。 鹅掌揪世界上原分布有2种,中国鹅掌揪(Liriodendron chinense Sarg.)和北美(美国)鹅掌楸(L.tulipifera Linn.)。中国鹅掌楸主要分布于长江流域以南,浙江,安徽南部,江西、湖南,湖北,四川、贵州、云南等地海拔900~1700m处。喜光,喜温暖,湿润的气候条件和深厚,肥沃,排水良好且湿润的沙质土壤;不耐干旱及水湿。树木生长迅速,庐山林场11年生人工林,在阳坡土壤肥沃处,树高15m,胸径10~19cm。 1988年,为进一步优化绿化树种,美化吴江大地,由县科委立题,县林业站和芦墟林苗圃共同承担,开展了“珍贵树种鹅掌楸引种繁苗试验。”现将试验情况及结果报告如下。 1 引种地区自然条件 吴江市地处太湖之滨,位于江苏省最南端,气候温暖湿润,雨量充沛。年平均气温15.7~16℃,极端最高气温38.8℃,最低气温-8℃年平均降雨量1025~1081mm。同时,本区土壤深厚肥沃,属湖相沉积物母质发育而成的小粉土类,土壤呈微酸性(pH5.8~6.7),表土疏松,通气透水力良好。且引种育苗的芦墟林苗圃地沿太浦河两岸,有其优越的小气候条件。适宜于鹅掌楸生长的气候条件和立地条件。 Liriodendron water Orchid Liriodendron, leaf-shaped peculiar, large and beautiful flowers, is the world famous garden foliage species. There are two species in the world, Liriodendron chinense Sarg. And North American tulip tree (L. tulipifera Linn.). Liriodendron chinense mainly distributed in the south of Yangtze River, Zhejiang, Anhui, southern Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places 900 ~ 1700m above sea level. Hi light, hi warm, humid climatic conditions and deep, fertile, well-drained and moist sandy soil; Intolerant to drought and water wet. Trees grow rapidly, Lushan Forest 11-year-old plantation, fertile land in the sunny slope, tree height 15m, diameter 10 ~ 19cm. In 1988, in order to further optimize the tree species, beautify the land in Wujiang, the county committee of science and technology legislature, county forestry station and Lu Hui Lin nursery to share, launched the “rare tree broom Liriodendron introduced seedlings test.” Now the test and The results are reported below. A natural introduction of the region Wujiang City is located in the coast of Taihu Lake, located in the southernmost tip of Jiangsu Province, warm and humid climate, abundant rainfall. The annual average temperature of 15.7 ~ 16 ℃, the extreme maximum temperature of 38.8 ℃, the lowest temperature -8 ℃ annual average rainfall of 1025 ~ 1081mm. At the same time, the soil in this area is rich and fertile, belonging to the small silt developed from the parent material of lacustrine sediments. The soil is slightly acidic (pH5.8 ~ 6.7), with loose surface and good aeration and water permeation. And introduction of nursery Lu Hui Lin Nursery along the Taipu River both sides, with its superior microclimate conditions. Suitable for the growth of Liriodendron climatic conditions and site conditions.
90年代以来,人们对一氧化氮(Nitric Oxide,NO)在心肌缺血再灌注过程中的作用进行了大量研究,结论不甚一致,争论的焦点集中在以下两个方面:1、在心肌缺血再灌注过程中,NO的产
Elsayed EF,et al.Arch Intern Med,2007,167(11):1130-1136.已知慢性肾脏病(CDK)是心血管疾病(CVD)独立的危险因子,但是尚不知道CVD是否与肾功能下降和肾脏病进展有关。既往
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1 ZB43包装机开发的目的进入九十年代,国内中小型烟厂对硬盒包装机械需求量急剧增加,国内大型烟厂一般都从国外进口高速硬盒包装机,中小型烟厂由于资金不足,无法进口高速硬
今天提出这个问题倘若不完全是向壁虚构的话,或许也是很奇怪的。的确,电影与民间创作哪能有什么相干呢? 对于文学、音乐以及其他艺术的研究者们来说,这些疑问是根本不存在的