她,是一个极其普通的农妇。与千千万万的农民一样,一辈子追求着生活。然而,旧社会的反动制度摧残了她,不得不以乞讨谋生。社会主义制度建立后,她曾得到过极大的幸福生活,也受到了错误路线和政策的捉弄,曾不得不第二次行乞,沦为赤贫。她的坎坷人生,给我们留下了许多值得深思的东西。一生活就是灾难。蔡月娥心里从小就这么想。 1918年,她在益阳县千家洲夏耕堤的王公庙旁的破茅棚里开始了所谓的生活。这是一个用几根杨树干支撑的破茅棚,茅草已枯朽生霉,长着菌子和绿苔。室内空荡,一目
She is an extremely common peasant woman. Like thousands of peasants, they pursue their entire life. However, the reactionary system of the old society destroyed her and begged to make a living. After the establishment of the socialist system, she had enjoyed a tremendous happy life. She was also bewitched by the wrong lines and policies and had to beg for her for the second time and became a destitute one. Her rough life, left us a lot of things worth pondering. A life is a disaster. Cai Yue’e mind I thought so from an early age. In 1918, she started the so-called life in the hammock next to the royal pagoda at Xia Geng Di in Yiyang County. This is a wedge shed supported by a few poplar stems, which has become dead moldy, with fungus and green moss. Indoor empty, a head