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教师提问的艺术与学生质疑的能力是提高课堂内在活力的基本点,是实现有效教学的教学手段,提问的好坏直接影响到课堂教学的质量。老师提问不只是为了得到一个符合要求的结论,而是为了让学生通过积极思考,运用已有知识培养思维能力、归纳能力和语言表达能力。课堂提问是师生合作进行教与学活动的重要纽带,也是开启学生智慧之门的钥匙,是真正体现学生主体地位的有效教学手段,是师生互动、生生互动基点,更是高效课堂的重要途径。首先,问题预设要精确有效,是历史教师提高课堂提问有效性前提;其次,老师提出问题要适时,这是历史教师提高课堂提问有效性的基础。还有,在教学问题的设计上,“求解”并非其唯一目的,更重要的目的是激发学生积极主动地思考,点燃学生的思维火花,因此教学问题应能激发学生的思考与探究,有启发性。 The art of teachers’ questioning and the ability of students to question are the basic points to improve the inner vitality of the classroom and the teaching methods to achieve effective teaching. The quality of questions directly affects the quality of classroom teaching. The teacher asks questions not only to get a conclusion that meets the requirements, but also to enable students to use positive thinking and use existing knowledge to cultivate thinking ability, induction ability and language expression ability. Classroom questioning is an important link between teachers and students for teaching and learning activities. It is also the key to open the door of student wisdom. It is an effective teaching method that truly embodies the student’s main position. It is the interaction between teachers and students, the basis for interaction between students and students, and it is more important for effective classrooms. way. First of all, the question of presupposition to be accurate and effective is a prerequisite for the history teacher to improve the validity of the classroom question; secondly, the teacher should ask the question in a timely manner, which is the basis for the history teacher to improve the effectiveness of the classroom question. Also, in the design of teaching problems, “Solving” is not its sole purpose. The more important purpose is to motivate students to think positively and ignite students’ spark of thought. Therefore, teaching problems should stimulate students’ thinking and exploration. Inspiring.
论述了化学工业中仪表可靠性的重要意义,并提出提高国产仪表可靠性、搞好替代进口工作的对策和建议。 The importance of instrument reliability in the chemical industry