With China’s entry into World Trade Organization,PetroChina is facing the unprecedented severe challenge fromits domestic counterparts in the chemicals sector, wherePetroChina is relatively weak in the production scale andfacilities. One of the key issues for PetroChina to solveurgently to reinforce its profit-makng capability rapidly isto boost the competitiveness of its ethylene facilities.Currently, PetroChina has seven sets of ethylene units witha total annual production capacity of 1.65 million tons. Theunits are usually small in the scale except for those at JilinPetrochemical Company and Daqing PetrochemicalCompany.Taking advantage of oil refining integration The enterprises with the ethylene units are usually ownedwith a certain scale of oil refining capacity. PetroChina hasa great potential to tap in the efforts to make use of the oilrefining and chemical integration for optimization of rawmaterials and reciprocation of their respective advantages.PetroChina should make comprehensive use of dry