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日本江户时代的松尾芭蕉深受中国文化和中国古诗词的影响,具有深厚的汉文学功底。他仿照中国文人游学的传统,离开闹市,潜居乡间僻野,并带领蕉门弟子四处寻访古迹、参禅问道。羁旅的辛劳和旅途的见闻使他感受到人生的无常,中国文化的素养滋养了芭蕉的内心,也极大影响了他的创作观。于是中国古诗词,尤其是唐、宋诗词的意境走进芭蕉的文学世界。本文拟分析中国古诗词对芭蕉纪行文创作的影响。 Matsuo Basho in Japan’s Edo period was deeply influenced by Chinese culture and ancient Chinese poetry and has a profound knowledge of Chinese literature. Following the tradition of Chinese scholars studying abroad, he left the downtown area and lived in the remote countryside. He led the disciples to find the monuments and visit Zen monks. His hard work and journey made him feel the impermanence of life. The quality of Chinese culture nourished the heart of Basho and greatly influenced his creative concept. As a result, the artistic conceptions of ancient Chinese poetry, especially Tang and Song poetry, entered the literary world of Basho. This article intends to analyze the influence of ancient Chinese poetry on Banjiao Ji Xingwen.
8月14日,中国科协常务副主席、党组书记、书记处第一书记申维辰带队在北京调研。中共中央政治局委员、北京市委书记郭金龙会见调研组一行。北京市委副书记吕锡文,北京市委常委赵凤桐、苟仲文参加会议。  郭金龙感谢中国科协为推动首都科学发展提供的大力支持。他强调,实施创新驱动发展战略,是首都转变发展方式的根本所在,也是赢得主动、赢得发展、赢得未来的首要任务。希望中国科协发挥科学技术优势、人才智力优势和组织网