随着中国影响力的扩大,汉学在西方也得到了广泛的重视,作为中国文化重要组成部分的书法,在西方汉学家的心目中,又扮演着怎样的文化角色?此文是对西方著名汉学家Nicolas zufferey先生的专访(以下简称Nicolas),由日内瓦大学汉学系书法教师王飞记录整理。王飞:作为日内瓦大学人文学院院长、汉学系主任、著名汉学家,你认为在日内瓦大学设置中国书法课的意义何在?
With the expansion of China’s influence, Sinology has gained wide attention in the West. What is the role of calligraphy, an important part of Chinese culture, in the eyes of Western sinologists? Interview with Mr. Nicolas zufferey (hereinafter referred to as Nicolas) was recorded by Wang Fei, a calligraphy teacher at the Department of Sinology at the University of Geneva. Wang Fei: As Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Geneva University, Head of Sinology and a famous sinologist, what do you think of setting Chinese calligraphy classes at the University of Geneva?