2004年2月20日,我国载人航天工程的开创者之一和学科技术带头人王永志,荣获了2003年度国家最高科学技术奖。当王永志从中共中央总书记、国家主席胡锦涛手中接过奖励证书和500万元奖金时,人民大会堂内爆发出了经久不息的掌声。 面对祖国和人民给予科技工作者的最高荣誉,年过七旬、操着浓重东北口音的王永志说出了自己的心里话:“这是全体航天人的荣誉,我是代表他们来领这个奖的。”
On February 20, 2004, Wang Yongzhi, one of the pioneers of China’s manned space project and head of science and technology, won the 2003 State Supreme Science and Technology Award. When Wang Yongzhi received a certificate of reward and a bonus of 5 million yuan from General Secretary Hu Jintao of the CPC Central Committee and the General Secretary, there burst out an endless round of applause in the Great Hall of the People. In the face of the highest honor given to scientists and technicians by the motherland and the people, Wang Yongzhi, who speaks a thick Northeastern accent over the past seventy years, uttered his own words: “This is the honor of all the space people, and I represent them on behalf of them Award. ”