Application of Variable Strategies in the Low-cost and Energy-saving Rural Residences in Transitiona

来源 :Journal of Landscape Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jiang0596
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Changeful and complex rural family structure and climatic features of transitional areas in China make the application of variable strategy in energy-saving rural residence designs possible.Aiming at the low cost,several effective and reasonable variable strategies were proposed for the design of interior spaces,main bedroom,sunshine room,staircase,west wall,door and window design to satisfy changing structure of a family during different periods and their different thermo-technical requirements in winter and summer.In this way,thermal comfort of rural indoor spaces will be improved,more energy saved,useful experience and thoughts provided for the energy-saving residence design in cold regions and regions hot in summer and cold in winter. Changeful and complex rural family structure and climatic features of transitional areas in China make the application of variable strategy in energy-saving rural residence designs.. Aiming at the low cost, several effective and reasonable variable strategies were proposed for the design of interior spaces, main bedroom, sunshine room, staircase, west wall, door and window design to satisfy changing structure of a family during different periods and their different thermo-technical requirements in winter and summer. In this way, thermal comfort of rural indoor spaces will be improved , more energy saved, useful experience and thoughts provided for the energy-saving residence design in cold regions and regions hot in summer and cold in winter.
人脑和电脑研究学家汤尼博士一夜之间从一个大名鼎鼎的科学家摇身一变,成了高高在上的总统!一个没有任何政治才能的科学家掌握着国家的最高统治权,这实在是太不可思议了!可是,汤尼博士是由选民投票,并以压倒性优势当选总统的!而且,在此期间,汤尼博士表面上并没有做过任何有违选举公平、公正的行为。  其实,一开始汤尼博士并没有从政的野心,繁重的科学研究就足以让他头痛了。当汤尼博士还只是小有名气的科学家的时候,便
1、“当百千当万千”花钱(图1) 笔者曾见与此钱相同的实物,方穿六出,有缺角。  2、“天下太平”背周处斩蛟花钱(图2) 笔者曾见两枚折十高浮雕周处斩蛟(背仙道人物)大花钱,图案极为生动,蛟龙出水扑面而起,张牙舞爪,人物较小然挥剑而迎毫无惧色,气势磅礴,钱圆形,圆穿,当为隋唐以前之物。  3、“虎牙将军”花钱(图3) 此类打马格格钱起铸于宋,后世陆续有铸,笔者见北宋马钱实物厚重,精雕细刻,颇有昭陵
由中国少年先锋队全国工作委员会编的《全国十佳队员》(1995)一书已由新蕾出版社出版。书中用报告文学形式介绍了十佳少先队员黄思路(福建省)、孙岩(吉林省)、杨叶 The “N