今年北京的春天来得格外早,四月刚至便已是柳絮飘飘。初春的一个正午,无风、无尘,天气晴好,一帮当今国内足坛人气最旺的酷哥俊男浩荡荡奔赴北京的一所著名高校。校园内像过节一样热闹,学生们争先涌向操场。尽管身处异乡,但还小虎的魅力依旧无法阻挡。 春光无限好! 在春天里,“外来户”想要更多地沐浴球迷带来的阳光;在春天里,想要和“坐地户”北京国安斗艳争芳。于是,名为“阳光对话—波导战斗校园行”的活动应运而生。功利也好,现实也罢,波导的新一轮“战斗SHOW”的确已经在另一个战场打响;高兴也好,无奈也罢,辽宁队的“头牌”帅哥们在那天的表现的确很阳光……
The spring of this year in Beijing is particularly early in April, when it was already catkins fluttering. A noon in early spring, no wind, dust-free, fine weather, a bunch of today’s domestic football most popular cool guy handsome mighty went to a famous Beijing University. As lively as the holidays on campus, students flock to the playground. Although living in a foreign land, but the tiger’s charm still can not stop. Spring unlimited good! In the spring, “foreign clients” want more to bathe the fans’ sunshine; in the spring, they want to compete with the “nationality” Beijing Guoan. As a result, the event called “Sunshine Dialogue - Bird Fighting Campus” came into being. Utilitarian Ye Hao, the reality worth mentioning, the new wave of “battle SHOW” has indeed started in another battlefield; happy Ye Hao, helpless worth mentioning, Liaoning team’s “first card” handsome guy in that day’s performance is indeed very sunny ......