美国加州大学洛杉矶分校研究人员最近在美国叶国家科学院学报曳期刊上发表的一项研究结果显示袁体重增加会加快肝脏的老化速度袁这也解释了为何肥胖的人患肝癌和胰岛素抵抗等疾病的潜在风险也较高遥研究人员对1 190份人体组织样本进行了分析袁包括130多份来自肝脏的样本遥研究结果显示袁身体质量指数渊BMI冤每上升10点袁肝脏的表观遗传年龄就会增长3.3岁遥BMI可以衡量一个人的体重和身高是否协调遥
A recent study by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, in the Journal of the American Academy of Sciences, shows that an increase in body weight increases the rate of liver aging. This also explains why people who are obese suffer from liver cancer and insulin resistance Potential risks are also high Remote researchers analyzed a sample of 1,190 human tissue samples including more than 130 samples from the liver. Remote research showed that the apparent body mass index (Yuan) Will grow 3.3 years old BMI can measure whether a person’s weight and height are coordinated