Title: Mr. (Random House in the background scholar) Author: Zhou Shi Editor: Zang Jie Press: Qingdao Publishing House Publication date: November 2014 book “House” founder Mr. Zhou Shi editor of the journal seven years , And the earliest support, passionate contribution of a number of well-known scholars, writers, poets, translators, calligrapher’s contacts records. Li Shenzhi, Xiao Qian, Zhang Zhonghang, Zi Zhongyun ... are all unique writers. They contain profound ideological content and distinctive personal color of the spiritual cuisine, Zhou Shi in the dedication “Chef ” deployment, “Bookstore” this newly opened feast has laid a good texture. With the joint efforts of the editor-in-chief and the group of “think tanks” writers, “Bookstore” has its own bright color in national journals. As the author, the reader is a natural and devoted chief editor Zhou Shi, especially cherish the friendship with them. He kept writing at any time