1994年油菜花期 ,在一甘蓝型油菜材料中发现了 1株天然雄性不育株。与可育株相比 ,不育株开花较晚 ,花蕾较小 ,花序基部的花蕾有黄化脱落现象 ,雄蕊退化 ,不育非常彻底 ,花药无花粉 ,而雌蕊正常。遗传研究表明 ,该不育性状受一对核基因控制 ,不育对可育为显性。讨论了其在轮回选择、杂交、回交、复交育种中的利用潜力。
One rapeseed male sterile line was found in a Brassica napus during rape flowering in 1994. Compared with fertile plants, sterile plants later flowering, smaller buds, flower buds at the base of inflorescence yellow shedding, stamen degradation, infertility is very thorough, anther pollen, while the pistil normal. Genetic studies have shown that this sterility trait is controlled by a pair of nuclear genes and infertility is dominant to fertility. Discussed its potential for utilization in the cycle selection, hybridization, backcrossing and breeding.