目的:探讨产科自然分娩在合理使用抗菌药物基础上降低抗菌药物使用率的方法。方法:随机抽取某院2012年2月-2013年1月产科154例自然分娩病例,统计手术类型、抗菌药物使用情况及不使用抗菌药物后出现异常情况概率。结果:胎膜早破12 h以上的自然分娩抗菌药物使用率100%,不使用抗菌药物后出现异常情况的概率为5.47%。结论:产科自然分娩的预防用抗菌药物使用率可以从不是胎膜早破12 h以上的会阴侧切缝合术(包括有侧切前有疤痕子宫、短时胎膜早破、妊娠糖尿病情况;侧切后有会阴红肿、会阴潮红、会阴硬结情况);会阴I°、II°裂伤缝合术、阴道壁裂伤缝合术、宫颈裂伤缝合术等21种类型的自然分娩手术中降低。
Objective: To explore the method of reducing the usage of antibacterials on the basis of rational use of antibacterial drugs in obstetric natural childbirth. Methods: A total of 154 cases of obstetric delivery from January 2012 to January 2013 in a hospital were collected randomly. The types of operation, the use of antimicrobial agents and the probability of anomalies were observed. Results: The rate of natural childbirth antibiotics more than 12 hours after premature rupture of membranes was 100%, and the probability of abnormalities after using antibiotics was 5.47%. CONCLUSIONS: The use rate of prophylactic antimicrobials in obstetric spontaneous labor may be from episiotomy suturing (which includes scarring of uterus before scarring, premature rupture of membranes, gestational diabetes mellitus, which is not more than 12 h after premature rupture of membranes; Perineal swelling, perineal flushing, perineal sclerosis); perineal I °, II ° laceration and suture, vaginal wall laceration and suture, cervical laceration and other 21 types of natural childbirth surgery reduced.