
来源 :宋代文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ez062009
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一、宋代类书概况作为中国传统思想文化的组成部分,有宋一代的典籍空前发达,著述之丰富速速超过前代。其中类书的编纂极为繁荣,这与宋代帝王重视文治,鼓励类书编撰;科举制的逐步完善,应试内容的变化,对类书需求扩大;宋代雕版印刷术的兴盛,为类书刊行提供了较好的技术基础等都是密不可分的。自《宋史·艺文志》以来,历代书目对类书的著录不尽统一, First, the general profile of the Song Dynasty class As part of the Chinese traditional ideology and culture, there is an unprecedented generation of classics of the Song Dynasty, the rich richer than the previous generation. The compilation of such books was extremely prosperous, which was closely related to the literary rule of the emperors in the Song Dynasty and encouraged the compilation of such books. The gradual improvement of the examination system and the change of the contents of the examinations expanded the demand for the books. The prosperity of the engraving printing in the Song Dynasty provided better technology for the books and periodicals Fundamentals are all inseparable. Since the “History of the Song Dynasty Yi Wenzhi” since the bibliography of the history books are not uniform,
摘要:在数字化的今天,承担着为师生提供学术研究支持及文献信息服务的高校图书馆,如何顺应时代的发展需求,通过积极开展科学合理的阅读推广,使图书馆资源创造出更高的文化价值, 是本文探讨研究的主要议题。   关键词:高校图书馆 阅读推广 研究     在数字化的今天,高校图书馆是为高校师生丰富内涵,提升教学质量,开展科学研究,传播知识信息服务的学术机构,是高校教育不可忽视的重要组成部分和文献资源中心