奥迪每款车型换代都会在一段时期为竞争对手们带来巨大压力,新A4L同样如此。这种不太守规矩的做事风格也使新A4L在下一轮竞争中占尽先手。新A4L与它那些卖点鲜明的竞争对手们相比,采用了完全不同的策略。看似核心卖点并不突出,但从里到外细细看来仿佛处处是卖点,随便拿出某一样都很讨人喜欢。新A4L诞生于奥迪全新的MLB evo平台,与之前上市的新Q7相同,未来即将量产的新A8也会出自该平台。与上代车型相比,新A4L明显大了一圈,车身长度和宽度分别增加57和17mm,轴距增加39mm达到夸张的2908mm,反而车身高度比上代
Each new generation of Audi models will put enormous pressure on competitors for a period of time, the same is true of the new A4L. This does not obey the style of doing things also make the new A4L a top priority in the next round of competition. The new A4L adopts a completely different strategy than its sharply priced competitors. Seems to be the core selling point is not prominent, but thin from the inside out seems to be selling everywhere, just come up with some kind of very pleasing. The new A4L was born at Audi’s new MLB evo platform and, like its predecessor, the new Q7, the new A8 coming soon is coming out of the platform. Compared with the previous generation models, the new A4L was significantly larger lap, body length and width increased by 57 and 17mm, 39mm wheelbase increase reached 2908mm exaggerated, but the body height than the previous generation