自从伦琴发现X射线、并据此发明X射线摄影方法以来,已将近一个世纪了。在这段时期内,又出现了另外一些医学图象成象新技术,如: ·核医学。这种技术出现于40年前,起初用来诊断甲状腺。其方法是将放射性药物,即由放射性元素示踪的物质,通过内静脉道注入受检者体内。示踪物放射出的伽玛射线或正电子能按迹跟踪机体内的放射性药物,配用专用摄影机,便能获得肝、肾、肺和骨等器官的代谢和生理信息。·超声断层摄影。这种技术是50年代发展起来的,它根据雷达原理,用超声来获得医学图象的方法。特别适用于妇产科。近年
Nearly a century has passed since Roentgen discovered X-rays and invented X-ray photography. During this period, there have been some new technologies for medical imaging, such as: Nuclear medicine. This technique appeared 40 years ago, initially used to diagnose the thyroid. The method is to inject radiopharmaceuticals, that is, substances traced by radioactive elements into the subject through the internal venous tract. The gamma rays or positrons emitted from the tracer can track the radiopharmaceuticals in the body by tracking and can be used to obtain the metabolic and physiological information of the organs such as the liver, kidney, lungs and bones. Ultrasound tomography. This technique was developed in the 1950s and used ultrasound to obtain medical images based on the principle of radar. Especially suitable for obstetrics and gynecology. in recent years