决策的落实问题是当前大家谈论较多的一个话题。如何使科学的决策执行有效、落到实处,具有重要的现实意义。笔者在此从督促检查的角度谈几点看法,以求教于读者诸君。 当前,决策不落实的主要表现有两种:一是对上级作出的有关重大决策和重要工作部署不理解,在行动上或明或暗地“顶”,拒不执行,特别是当某项决策触及本部门、本地区利益时更是如此;或者有意拖延,既不说不办,也不说办,到上级检查时,则敷衍塞责,蒙混过关。二是有布置无检查,做表面文章,作
The implementation of decision-making is one of the most talked-about topics. How to make scientific decision-making effective and implement it in practice has important practical significance. The author in this urge to urge the inspection point of view on how to seek advice in the reader. At present, there are two main manifestations of the failure of the decision-making: First, it does not understand the major decisions made by its superiors and the deployment of major tasks, and “overtakes” it explicitly or implicitly, refusing to implement it, especially when a decision is made When it comes to the interests of the region, it is even more so when it reaches the interests of the region. Or it may delay procrastinating. Second, there is no layout inspection, to do the surface of the article, for