1 彭德怀原名彭德华,1898年9月,出生于湖南湘潭的一个下中农家庭。家有茅屋数间,荒土山地八九亩。山地种棕、茶、杉和毛竹,荒土地种红薯、棉花。家中有伯祖父、祖母、父母亲及彭德怀兄弟4人,8口之家,勤劳节俭,尚能维持最低生活。彭德怀6岁时上私塾读书。8岁时因为母亲病故,父亲患病,家庭日渐贫困。为了维持家中生计,先卖掉了山林树木,后又典押荒田,最后只
1 Peng Dehuai formerly known as Peng Dehua, September 1898 was born in Xiangtan, Hunan, a middle-peasant family. There are a few cottages, wasteland mountain eighty-nine acres. Mountain species of brown, tea, fir and bamboo, waste land sweet potato, cotton. At home, there are 4 grandparents, grandmothers, parents and brothers Peng Dehuai, 8 families, hard-working and frugal, still able to maintain a minimum life. Peng Dehuai 6-year school private school. At age 8, because of her mother’s death, her father became ill and her family became increasingly impoverished. In order to maintain the livelihood of the family, first sold the trees in the mountains and trees, and later on the barracks, and finally only