学校和家之间有一部公交车可以乘,在清 晨和傍晚的时候常常很拥挤,但这只是我有时 选择步行的一个小原因,另外有个比较大的,是 喜欢脚一下一下地拍在大地上。 背着书包,在足音的相件下,一路的风景飞 过去,这时候心里面不停地唱:“让我们荡起双 桨,小船儿推开波浪……”后来又有:“池塘边的 榕树上,知了在声声叫着夏天。草丛边的秋千 上,只有蝴蝶停在上面……”
There is a bus between school and home that can be used. It is often crowded in the early morning and late evening. But this is just a small reason why I sometimes choose to walk. There is also a big one. I like to take a big shot at the foot. On the ground. Carrying the schoolbag, under the footnote phase, the scenery of all the way flew past. At this time, my heart continued to sing: “Let’s swing up the scull, the boat pushes the waves away...” Then there is: “The edge of the pond On the banyan tree, when it was heard that it was screaming for the summer, on the swing beside the grass, only the butterfly stopped on it..."