
来源 :中国民族教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glamour269
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宁夏石嘴山市第一中学始建于1959年,是自治区人民政府首批确定的八所重点中学之一。学校坐落于石嘴山市惠农区,西靠巍峨的贺兰山,东瞰滔滔的黄河。占地面积13.36万平方米,建筑面积1.7万平方米。图书室拥有藏书5.7万册,电子图书2.1万册。学校现有30个教学班,在册学生1886人。有教职工128名,其中高级教师26名,一级教师45名。在学校领导班子的带领下,全校师生积极进取,团结协作,克服困难,不懈追求,取得了令人满意的成绩,得到了上级党委和政府的充分肯定。学校先后被评为“全国民族团结进步模范单位”、“全国群众体育先进集体”、“全国学校体育卫生先进单位”、“国家级体育传统项目学校”、“国家级青少年体育俱乐部”、“自治区文明单位”、“自治区安全文明校园”、“自治区校务公开先进集体”等荣誉称号。经过多年的探索和实践,学校继承传统,改革创新,形成了鲜明的办学思想、办学思路和培养目标。树立了“明德、求真、勤奋、创新”的校风、“敬业、博学、善导、和谐”的教风和“勤奋、善思、合作、探究”的学风。为了改善学校的办学条件,学校正积极实施改建扩建工程,力争达到能容纳60个教学班,3000余名学生的规模,实现办学质量的新跨越。 The First Middle School of Shizuishan City in Ningxia was founded in 1959 and is one of the first batch of eight key secondary schools identified by the People’s Government of the autonomous region. The school is located in Huinong District, Shizuishan City, west of the Helan Mountain, overlooking the Yellow River. It covers an area of ​​133,600 square meters and a building area of ​​17,000 square meters. The library has a collection of 57,000 books and 21,000 e-books. The school currently has 30 classes and 1886 students. There are 128 faculty members, including 26 senior teachers and 45 first-grade teachers. Under the leadership of the school’s leadership team, the teachers and students of the university are proactive, united and collaborative, overcome difficulties, and unremittingly pursued. They have achieved satisfactory results and have been fully affirmed by the higher Party committee and government. The school has been named “National Model Unit for National Unity and Progress”, “National Advanced Group for Mass Sports”, “National Advanced Unit for School Sports Health,” “National Class Sports Traditional School”, “National Youth Sports Club”, and “Autonomous Region ”Civilized units,“ ”autonomous regional security and civilized campuses,“ and ”advanced collective of school affairs in the autonomous region" and other honorary titles. After many years of exploration and practice, the school inherited traditions, reforms and innovations, and formed a clear idea for running schools, ideas for running schools, and training goals. It has established the ethos of “Mingde, truth-seeking, diligence and innovation”, the teaching style of “professionalism, knowledge, good guidance, and harmony” and the style of “diligence, good thinking, cooperation, and inquiry”. In order to improve the school’s conditions for running schools, the school is actively implementing reconstruction and expansion projects, and strive to reach a scale that can accommodate 60 classes and more than 3,000 students, and achieve a new leap in the quality of running schools.
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