一位外商说:“做生意就要找张先生这样的人” 1986年,张凯军被正式批准转业,分配到辽宁省外贸总公司任行政科副科长;1989年,他42岁时,又毅然申请到基层当普通业务员。 从团职干部到普通业务员,不仅意味着与过去的辉煌一刀两断,也面临着一场更严峻的考验和挑战。一切重新开始,况且外贸对他来说,属于隔岸观火。干外贸起码两条,他都不具备,外语(英语)他是擀面杖吹火——一窍不通;电脑,他更是熊瞎子扑蝴蝶——心灵身子笨。这对
One foreign businessman said: “In business, we should look for Mr. Zhang.” In 1986, Zhang Kaijun was officially approved to be transferred to Deputy Chief of Administration Bureau of Liaoning Provincial Foreign Trade Corporation. In 1989, when he was 42, he decided to apply To the grassroots as an ordinary salesman. From the regiment cadres to ordinary clerks, not only means that with the past glory in one piece or another, but also faces a more severe test and challenge. Everything started again, and foreign trade to him, belong to the side view of the fire. At least two foreign trade, he does not have, foreign languages (English) He is a rolling pin blowing fire - know nothing about; computer, he is more blind bears flapping butterflies - stupid mind body. This pair