农用车祸猛于虎的背后,是现行的农机安全监理体制在法规、机构、人员等方面存在着突出问题。 “穿梭于城乡的农用车一方面是 农民增收致富的工具,另一方面,则 是随时随地都可能爆炸的‘不定时炸 弹’,刹那间就可能毁掉数十人的生 命”,记者近日在对陕西、甘肃、宁 夏、青海四省区农用车问题调查、采 访时,交警部门的人忧心忡忡地表 示,“仅今年就发生多起一次性死亡 二三十人的‘人间惨剧’。” 居高不下的农用车事故背后,是 农用车黑车非驾、违章载客,监管部 门力不从心,监理体制问题丛生。
Behind the tiger is the fury of agricultural vehicles, which is a prominent issue in the laws, institutions and personnel of the current agricultural machinery safety supervision system. “On the one hand, agricultural vehicles that shuttle urban and rural areas are tools that peasants can enrich themselves and enrich themselves. On the other hand, it is an ’irregular bomb’ that may explode anytime, anywhere. In an instant, the lives of dozens of people may be destroyed. ’ When investigating and interviewing agricultural vehicles in the four provinces and autonomous regions of Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai provinces, people in the traffic police department said with concern that ”there have been more than two or three decades of human tragedies that took place this time alone.“ ” No fewer than behind the accident of agricultural vehicles, agricultural vehicles are black car non-driving, illegal passenger, regulators unable, lack of supervision system problems.