In recent years, our hospital has admitted a rare case of 2 cases, both women, lesions located in the sigmoid colon, most of the symptoms and X-ray findings were resected by surgical bowel pathological examination and found that multifocal intestinal wall muscle defects, weak or increased thick. Due to the literature has not been found in a similar description, so temporarily called the sigmoid colon structure abnormalities. Now a more complete report of one case and discussed as follows: History Abstract Female patients, 43 years old, hospital number 163,982. Nearly a year before hospitalization often left lower extremity pain, with alternating history of diarrhea and constipation. May 3, 1975 from the left lower abdominal pain diarrhea weight gain, row of red blood samples, mixed with fecal material and mucus, up to more than 20 times daily, no severe abdominal pain, no tenesmus. Stool routine see each field has red, white blood cells 40 ~ 50. Stool bacterial culture negative. At that time as bacillary dysentery treatment, most of the symptoms disappeared after about a week. More than a month after a similar attack. No abnormal findings of proctoscopy. Past history of schistosomiasis exposure to the river, stool incubation negative.