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本人曾在中国驻日使馆工作,结识了川畑一子女士,此文是她1999年12月给本人的来信摘录。川畑一子女士,1931年3月出生于日本山梨县白根镇。1940年4月,随父母来到中国东北。日本战败后,她于1946年1月参加中国人民解放军,后作为随军护士转战中国大江南北,在中国人民解放军中度过了最美好的青春年华。川畑女士不忘中国人民对他的培养和教育,把“为人民服务”的精神作为其人生的座右铭。1958年5月,川畑女士回到阔别18年之久的日本。1962年5月,在其新居住的白根镇镇公社就职,因工作出色,曾受到日本政府的表彰。1986年3月退休后,一直从事社会公益活动,为家乡人民无私奉献。中国是川畑女士的第二故乡,她“身在日本,心系中国”。为了记录下她与中国人民解放军共同走过的青春道路,更为了教育子孙后代与中国人民世世代代友好下去,她用了一年时间写成回忆录《大江东去》一书,实现了她多年的夙愿。该书已被译成中文,由天津社会科学院出版社出版。本人阅读了川畑女士送给我的日文原著和中译本,不止一次为她的人生遭遇感动得流下了眼泪。她那种无论在任何时候,无论处于何种境遇,都能泰然自若的人生态度,着实令人钦佩,给了我极大的教育和启发。而她在写给我的信中,字里行间更是充满了热爱中国、关注中国的中国情结。川畑女士不愧是中国人民的好朋友。 I had worked in the Chinese Embassy in Japan and met Ms. Kawabata, one of her excerpts from her letter to himself in December 1999. Kawabata son, born in March 1931 in Shirakatsu, Yamanashi, Japan. In April 1940, came to China’s northeast with his parents. After the defeat of Japan, she joined the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in January 1946 and fought as a war nurse in the Great Wall from north to south and spent the best years of youth in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Kawabata did not forget the Chinese people’s training and education for him and took the motto of “serving the people” as the motto of her life. In May 1958, Ms. Kawabata returned to Japan for 18 years. In May 1962, he took office in the town of Shirakatsu, his new residence, and was honored by the Japanese government for his outstanding work. After retiring in March 1986, he has been engaged in social welfare activities, dedicated to the people of his hometown. China is the second hometown of Ms. Kawabata, who is “born in Japan and deeply rooted in China.” In order to record the road she had traveled with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and more to educate her future generations and the Chinese people from generation to generation, she spent a year writing Memoirs of “Da Jiangdong” Wishes. The book has been translated into Chinese by the Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences Press. I read the original Japanese version and the Chinese version that Ms. Kawabata gave me and shed tears more than once for the touching of her life. Her kind of attitude no matter at any time, regardless of the circumstances, can be calm and admirable attitude, gave me great education and inspiration. The letter she wrote to me was even more filled with love of China and attention to China’s complex in China. Ms. Kawabata is indeed a good friend of the Chinese people.
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