春天,是大自然降福给人类的季节,在这个季节生长出来的葱,由于气候和土壤的关系,它已不再只是香料,它已是一种特殊的补品。早春时节,气候还很寒冷,葱有通阳散寒的作用,宜多服用。葱的营养丰富,除含有蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、胡萝卜素、维生素 A、B、C 及铁、钙、磷、镁等矿物质外,还含有挥发油,油中的主要成分为葱蒜辣素。它具有较强的杀菌或抑制细菌、病毒的功效。在春季呼吸道传
Spring is the season of nature’s blessing to mankind. Onions grown in this season are no longer just spices because of the relationship between climate and soil. They are already a special supplement. Early spring season, the climate is still cold, green onions have the effect of cold, should take more. Onions are rich in nutrients, in addition to containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, carotenoids, vitamins A, B, C and iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other minerals, but also contain volatile oil, the main component of the oil is allicin . It has a strong bactericidal or inhibit the effectiveness of bacteria and viruses. In the spring respiratory tract