加州能够被冠以“黄金之州”的美称要受惠于它壮丽的景色奇观、撒满阳光的海滩、绵延不断的山脉、高耸入天的红木森林、涛声如雷的河流、水晶石般清澈的湖水以及壮美的大沙漠……此外,难以计数的珍奇植物和野生动物,温暖宜人的气候,国际化的都市与古雅的城镇,丰富的历史以及世界上最大的主题公园更加使得加州成为人们向往的地方。 人们通常把加州与海水、阳光、沙滩联系起来,并因此将其作为冬季度假的最佳选择。加州的最高山——内华达山,海拨1.1万英尺,山顶终年积雪500英寸,一年中300天都阳光灿烂,优越的自然条件使这里成为世界一流的滑雪场,雪撬、机动雪车、冰鞋、滑雪板等冬季体育运动器械一应俱全。而在这个世界上,除了加州,再没有一个地方能够让你上午去滑雪,下午去冲浪了。在加州,人们可以从事各式各样的室
Called “The Golden State,” Californians benefit from spectacular wonders, sun-filled beaches, rolling mountains, towering mahogany forests, crystal-clear rivers, Crystal clear waters and magnificent deserts ... In addition, rare and exotic plants and wildlife, warm weather, cosmopolitan cities and quaint towns, rich history and the largest theme parks in the world make Californians Longing for place. People usually associate California with seawater, sunshine, beach, and therefore make it the best choice for winter vacations. California’s highest mountain - the Sierra Nevada, 11,000 feet high altitude, the top 500 inches of snow throughout the year, 300 days a year are sunny, excellent natural conditions make it a world-class ski resort, sled, snowmobile , Skates, snowboards and other winter sports equipment readily available. And in this world, except California, there is no place for you to go skiing in the morning and surfing in the afternoon. In California, people can work in a variety of rooms