Phase Equilibria in the Granite-H_2O-HF System and Effect of Fluorine on Granitic Melt Structure

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forlichking
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Experiments carried out in the system granites-H2O-HF at 0. 1 GPa show that the crystal-liquid equllibrium temperature of quartz rises and that of alkali-feldspar goes down with increasing F content. The calculated results of quartz and alkali feldspar crystal-liquid equilibri-um show that the activity of SiO2 in melt increases and the activities of NaAlSi3O8 (Ab) and KAlSi3O8(Or) decrease, with a greater decreasing extent for than . These systematic changes are believed to be caused by F complexing with Al, Na, K, but not Si in the melt,and are consistent with F decomposing AlO2 tetrahedra and more preferentially forming com-plexes with Na than K. The comarison between effects of F and H2O on phase equilibrium suggests that the maximum difference affecting melt structure between F and OH is F complex-ing without Si and OH complexing with Si in granitic melt. Experiments carried out in the system granites-H2O-HF at 0.1 GPa show that the crystal-liquid equllibrium temperature of quartz rises and that of alkali-feldspar goes down with increasing F content. The calculated results of quartz and alkali feldspar crystal- liquid equilibri-um show that the activity of SiO2 in melt increases and the activities of NaAlSi3O8 (Ab) and KAlSi3O8 (Or) decrease, with a greater decreasing extent than than. The systematic changes are believed to be caused by F complexing with Al, Na, K, but not Si in the melt, and consistent with F decomposing AlO2 tetrahedra and more preferentially forming com-plexes with Na than K. The comarison between effects of F and H2O on phase equilibrium suggests that the maximum difference affecting melt structure between F and OH is F complex-ing without Si and OH complexing with Si in granitic melt.
美国科学家最近提出,两亿年前地球上曾发生了一次迄今为止最为强烈的火山爆发,使古大陆分裂,从而形成了今天的大西洋。 据美国《科学》杂志报道,这一假设是加利福尼亚大学伯
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