云南省于2000年开始在全省建设妇幼卫生计算机信息网络,两年来,完成了省、地两级的硬件配套,实 现了省、地级网络联接,开发推广了两个妇幼卫生应用软件,实现了妇幼卫生年报表和5岁以下儿童死亡信息的网络化 管理。云南省妇幼卫生计算机信息网络之所以能够顺利实施和运转,主要原因:①领导重视。方案可行、结构健全、职责明 确;②全省统一规范台帐、表、卡、册也为网络的实施提供了必要的前提;③省妇幼保健院开发的价格低,功能适用的妇幼 卫生应用软件,为确保网络有效运转提供了保障。
In 2000, Yunnan Province began to build a computer information network for women and children’s health in the province. In the past two years, it has completed hardware support at provincial and local levels, achieved provincial and prefecture-level network connections, and developed and promoted two software applications for maternal and child health. The annual report on maternity and child health and the management of information on the death of children under 5 years of age are managed in a network. The main reason for the successful implementation and operation of the Yunnan Maternal and Child Health Computer Information Network is: 1 The importance of leadership. The plan is feasible, sound structure, and clear responsibilities; 2 the province’s unified specification of accounts, tables, cards, and books also provide the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of the network; 3 low-cost, maternal and child health application software developed by the provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital. To ensure the effective operation of the network provides protection.