阅读提示 “四大发明”是中国作为文明古国的象征之一,印刷术更是中国四大发明之一,早已为世界所公认,并有大量的古物、文物佐证。 然而自六十年代以来,韩国一些学者却一反历史定论,提出了所谓“印刷术韩国起源说”。此后的30多年中,为了这一说法能得到世界公认,大批的韩国学者殚精竭虑,多方搜集资料,韩国政府也利用其不断上升的经济地位在各种国际场合广造声势,韩国有关部门还将于今年5月份召开国际学术大会,要
Reading Tips The “Four Great Inventions” are one of the symbols of China as an ancient civilized country. Printing is one of the four major inventions in China. It has long been recognized by the world and supported by numerous antiquities and cultural relics. However, since the 1960s, some scholars in South Korea have opposed the historical conclusion and proposed the so-called “origin of printing Korea.” In the 30 years since then, for this statement to be recognized by the world, a large number of South Korean scholars have devoted themselves to collecting information. The South Korean government has also used its rising economic status to make its presence on various international occasions. The relevant departments in South Korea will also May this year, held an international academic conference, to