我园是一所有30余年历史的幼儿园,如何做离退休同志的贴心人,对稳定教师队伍和树立良好园风至关重要。这些老同志当中,有的38年参加工作,经过解放战争,是出生入死为党为人民作出贡献的老干部;有积累了几十年保教经验的老幼教工作者。现在她们虽然已经离退休,但仍是我园成员之一,是丰台一幼的财富。作为园长,不仅要教育青年教师向他们学习,而且更应该对他们关心、照顾,把党和政府的温暖送到他们心坎上。在做离退休同志贴心人中,我有几点体会,愿与同仁们共勉。 一是根据离退休同志容易产生失落感和孤
I Park is a 30-year-old kindergarten, how to be retired comrades intimate people, to stabilize the teaching staff and establish a good style of garden is essential. Among these old comrades, some have participated in the work for 38 years. After the liberation war, they were veterans who contributed their lives to the party and contributed to the people. There were also kindergarten teachers who had accumulated many years of experience in securing education. Although they are now retired, they are still one of the members of our park and the wealth of a young boy in Fengtai. As the headmaster, not only young teachers should be educated to learn from them, but they should also be more concerned about and care for them and bring the warmth of the party and government to their hearts. Among retired gay people, I have some experience, is willing to work with colleagues alike. First, retired comrades prone to loss and solitude