从4月15日到5月10日,“岁月不会忘记——情系劳模新闻寻访活动”,吸引了全省各行各业的广大劳动者。人们的心为这个活动所激动,情被这个活动所振奋,“传承劳模精神,爱岗敬业奉献”的共同心愿,成为这个报道活动的最热烈的反响。5月1日晚上,中央电视台新闻联播节目播出了这次活动的高潮戏——浙江劳模大聚会新闻。由浙江工人日报和杭州电视台生活频道共同创意策划的这个活动,历时25天,发稿近50篇,社会效益颇佳,影响广泛深远。倘若作个粗浅的回顾和分析,至少有这样几点是可以总结的: 活动创意有特色。类似的报道活动,以往在我省媒体中并不多见。钱江晚报在1996年1月曾经组织过“老功臣寻访”活动,寻访出一批隐姓埋名的
From April 15 to May 10, “Years will not be forgotten - the search for information on model workers news”, attracting a large number of workers from all walks of life in the province. People’s heart is excited by this activity, and the emotion is excited by this activity. The common aspiration of “carrying forward the spirit of model worker and dedication and dedication” has become the warmest response to this reportage. On the evening of May 1, the CCTV news broadcast broadcast the climax of the event - Zhejiang Lao Mo Da Party News. This activity, planned by Zhejiang Workers’ Daily and Hangzhou TV Station Life Channel, took 25 days and made nearly 50 articles for publication. The social benefits are quite good and the impact is far-reaching and extensive. If you make a superficial review and analysis, there are at least a few things that can be summed up: Activities and creative distinctive. Similar reporting activities, in the past, the media in our province is rare. Qianjiang Evening News in January 1996 organized the “old hero search” activities, to find out a group of anonymity