在新标准GB 50119—2013《混凝土外加剂应用技术规范》中,规定了混凝土外加剂相容性检测新方法——砂浆扩展度法。这是因为现今的混凝土外加剂与任何一种原材的技术参数都有直接关系。采用砂浆扩展度法检测混凝土外加剂的相容性对混凝土的工作性能的验证较方便、快捷,且通过扩展度法直接反映了混凝土外加剂在混凝土拌合物中的相关性能。更能有效地辨别不同外加剂相容性的差异,也能检测出外加剂对其他原材料的相容性如何。本文按照GB 50119—2013标准规定进行试验,证明标准中砂浆扩展度法试验对混凝土拌合物性能的验证起到积极重要作用。
In the new standard GB 50119-2013 “Technical Specifications for Concrete Additives”, provides a new method for testing the compatibility of concrete admixtures - mortar spread method. This is because today’s concrete admixtures are directly related to the technical parameters of any kind of raw material. It is convenient and quick to verify the compatibility of concrete admixtures by using mortar expansion method. And the expansibility method directly reflects the concrete performance of concrete admixtures in concrete admixture. Can more effectively distinguish the differences between the compatibility of different additives, but also to detect the admixture of other raw materials compatibility. In this paper, according to GB 50119-2013 standard test to prove that the standard mortar expansion method test for the performance of concrete admixture plays a positive role.