Corrosion Behavior of Fe-based Bulk Metallic Glass and In-situ Dendrite-reinforced Metallic Glass Ma

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smartdudu
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The corrosion behavior study was conducted on a novel Fe_(77)Mo_5P_9C_(7.5)B_(1.5)in-situ metallic glass matrix composite(MGMC).This composite sample was developed by introduction of bccα-Fe dendrites as reinforcing phase.The corrosion behavior of this composite was compared to its monolithic counterpart and other Fe-based alloys such as 304 Land 2304Lstainless steels.The corrosion resistance of MGMCs in H_2SO_4 solution shows inferior to that of other Fe-based alloys.Experiments suggest that Fe-BMGs samples possess better corrosion resistance property than that of Fe-MGMCs.The possible underlying reasons can be the inhomogeneity induced by the precipitation ofα-Fe dendrites in the MGMCs. The corrosion behavior study was conducted on a novel Fe_ (77) Mo_5P_9C_ (7.5) B_ (1.5) in-situ metallic glass matrix composite (MGMC) .This composite sample was developed by introduction of bccα-Fe dendrites as reinforcing phase.The corrosion behavior of this composite was compared to its monolithic counterpart and other Fe-based alloys such as 304 Land 2304 Lstainless steels. The corrosion resistance of MGMCs in H 2 SO 4 solution shows inferior to that of other Fe-based alloys. Experiments suggest that Fe-BMGs samples possess better corrosion resistance property than that of Fe-MGMCs.The possible underlying causes can be inhomogeneity induced by the precipitation of α-Fe dendrites in the MGMCs.
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