枣树因其寿命长 ,结果时期也长 ,如果管理得当 ,可连续几十年丰产稳产 ,经济效益十分可观。但要达到此效果 ,必须从建园开始就严格实施科学规范建园。现根据我们几年来在陕西大荔沙苑的实践和摸索 ,初步提出沙区枣树建园的技术规范 :1 园地规划沙地建园首先要进行规划设计。如
Jujube because of its long life, the results of the period is also long, if properly managed, continuous high yield for decades, economic benefits are considerable. However, to achieve this effect, we must strictly implement the scientific and standardized construction of the park from the beginning of the establishment of the park. Now based on our practice and exploration of Dali Shayuan in Shaanxi for several years, the technical specifications of jujube tree construction in the sand area have been put forward tentatively: 1 Planning and Design of Land Planning and Construction of Sandy Land First, planning and designing should be carried out. Such as