由中国华北冶金建设公司承建的邢台钢铁有限责任公司180m~2烧结机和5号高炉工程于2003年10月底顺利投产,实际工期仅为285天,比合同工期提前75天,实现了项目当年投资、当年开工、当年竣工、当年见效的目标。 邢钢180m~2烧结机易地改造和粉尘综合治理及5号高炉工程总投资3.5亿元,合理工期18个月,合同工期12个月,总建筑面积33030m~2,设备总装机容量17700KW,机械及
The 180m~2 sintering machine and the 5th blast furnace project of Xingtai Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., which was constructed by China North China Metallurgical Construction Co., Ltd., were successfully put into operation at the end of October 2003. The actual construction period was only 285 days, 75 days earlier than the contract period, and the investment for the project was realized. The goal was to start work in that year, complete the work in that year, and be effective that year. The transformation of the 180m~2 sinter blasting machine of Xinghua Steel and the comprehensive management of dust and the total investment of No.5 BF are 350 million yuan. The reasonable construction period is 18 months. The contract period is 12 months. The total construction area is 33030m2, and the total installed capacity of equipment is 17,700KW. Machinery and