患者男,80岁,因发热、头痛、咳嗽,就医当地卫生院,予洁霉素1.2g 加入5%葡萄糖250ml 静点一次,第二天上述症状未改善,并出现尿量减少,双下肢浮肿。第三天转新医二附院。既往有三年的高血压病史,否认肝肾疾病史及药物过敏史。查体:急性病容,神清,皮肤粘膜无皮疹及黄染,T 38℃,心率82次/分,R 22次/分,BP 13/8kPa,双肺呼吸音粗,心律齐,各心瓣膜听诊区未闻及杂音,腹平软,肝脾未触及,无压痛,双侧肾区叩痛(+),双下肢浮肿。化验:血常规:WBC 9.7×10~3,
Male, 80 years old, due to fever, headache, cough, seek medical advice from a local hospital to give lincomycin 1.2g 5% glucose 250ml static point the next day the above symptoms did not improve, and decreased urine output, lower extremity edema . The third day of new medical Second Affiliated Hospital. Past history of hypertension for three years, denied history of liver and kidney disease and drug allergy history. Examination: acute disease, Shen Qing skin and mucous membrane no rash and yellow dye, T 38 ℃, heart rate 82 beats / min, R 22 beats / min, BP 13 / 8kPa, lung breath sounds coarse, Auscultation area did not smell and noise, abdominal soft, liver and spleen not touched, no tenderness, bilateral renal area percussion pain (+), lower extremity edema. Laboratory: Blood: WBC 9.7 × 10 ~ 3,