The pronunciation mechanism is extremely complicated, the whole body function changes can directly or indirectly affect the sound. Central nervous system disorders, endocrine disorders, can lead to voice disorders. And is often the first symptom of endocrine disorders, and non-local treatment of such voice disorders can work, you must get satisfactory results by medical treatment. And the voice is most closely related to the gonads (ovaries and testicles), are on the changes are described below. (A) change the sound period: vocal change is a manifestation of adolescent male and female coercion, men with the body height, Adam’s apple prominent, vocal cord length increased dramatically and the voice bit down. The earliest change of voice from the age of 12, the latest 17 to 18 years old, lasting 3 to 12 months, and race, genetic, climate, terroir and living environment are closely related. Variations of female throat when the growth of the upper and lower diameter significantly, while the male throat rapid growth in all directions, cartilage harden, Adam’s apple obvious, due to the dramatic increase in the length of the vocal cords slightly change the shape of the throat, forcing the vocal cords widened and thickened. In addition, the rapid growth of the throat muscle tone regulation