
来源 :阅读与作文(英语初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gw678
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   I put my sunglasses on and took a deep breath. With her hand held tightly in mine, we started walking down the street to her first day of school. I knew in a few minutes that she would be crying, she always cries when she was anxious about new experiences. But I also knew that once inside the room, she would thrive[旺盛].
  As we walked, she asked me if I would be waiting right outside the front door when school was over.
  “How will I find you?” she asked.
  “We’ll pick a spot for me to stand so you know exactly where to look, okay?” I answered.
  “What if no one talks to me?”
  “The teacher will talk to you. She’ll help you find your seat and she’ll even introduce you all to each other. And you already know two friends in the class from preschool[學前班]. I bet they are nervous too.”
  She looked away and started to fidget[摆弄] with her backpack strap[带]. It’s the same backpack that we spent 20 minutes packing up the night before. And the same one that she slipped her small stuffed animal[毛绒动物玩具] puppy into when she thought I wasn’t looking this morning.
  “What if I get shy and can’t talk to anyone?”
  “You might feel shy at first,” I said to her, “but give yourself a little time and you’ll realize that you are having fun and feeling more comfortable.”
   She looked up at me and smiled, as we waited at a stop sign. “I’m scared but really excited.”
   “What are you the most excited for?”
   I laughed because this is the same girl who weeks before told me she was exhausted[筋疲力尽的] from running one block down the street and needed to rest and drink water to refuel.
   As we turned the corner, her face dropped. The massive[大量的] group of students gathered everywhere overwhelmed[受打击,淹没] her and her face instantly fell as the tears welled up in her eyes.
  “You can do this, sweetie. Everyone has a place in line, let’s go to find yours.”
   We lined up with her class and just as she was about to cling to[紧握不放] my leg for dear life[拼命地,不顾死活地], her friend from preschool stood next to her. In an instant, she lit up. They soon realized they both have the same backpack and reached out for each other’s hand. And as the teacher began to walk them all into the school, she was smiling. Not crying, not grabbing onto me, but smiling.
   But when I saw those little feet walk into that big building, it all hit me and I felt the emotion of the moment. I hid the tears behind my sunglasses and waved a bit too excitedly as she walked inside. But the beauty of that moment was that it was only a moment. I wiped my eyes, held my husband’s hand and we walked away feeling happy. Feeling proud.    All day I wondered what she was doing. Was she making friends? Did she find the bathroom okay? Was anyone mean to her? Could she put the straw in one of those challenging juice boxes?
   As I waited for her at pick up, I felt like a kid standing in line to meet Santa. She came out with her hand waving and her arms outstretched[伸开].
   “I didn’t cry again, Mommy,” she said, excited to hug me and show me her backpack full of goodies[好吃的东西].
   After two hours of hearing the details of her day, we laughed and talked as a family about all the adventures she had.
   And as I kissed her goodnight and told her how proud I was of her, she turned to me and said, “I love school. But I was upset about one thing.”
   “Oh? What’s that?” I asked.
   “They don’t have any Barbies there.”
   I smiled and for a second felt jealous that there’s a place in the world that doesn’t have Barbies, considering that a village of them reside in my home.
   But if the one thing she didn’t like was a lack of Barbies, well then, I think I can say that it was a good day.
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内容提要 本文通过描述福街草根民间商会与福区地方政府部门,通过长达8年时间的谈判对话、民主协商等互动活动,双方形成相互宽容甚至“合谋”共赢的新型国家与社会关系。这一中国社会和谐治理的地方性微观经验表明,中国文本宪法为地方政府与民间社会的良性互动提供了法理基础,使得双方在既有文本法律框架尚待健全的局限下,能够以协商民主范式对话沟通,在相互转换各自偏好中渐趋宽容妥协,从而开辟了“正当妥协”的宪政地方性
内容提要缀接是古代写经制作中的重要内容,它在敦煌本汉文《大般若经》写卷中的表现尤为突出。本文运用现代缀合的方法,将《大般若经》中的特殊缀接和抄写现象归纳为入藏三界寺前已修复例、批量修补卷首例、同卷分裂后分别修补首尾例、异卷接尾例、异卷拼接拆分后皆可缀合例、同一卷次同一抄手抄写多遍例等六例,通过具体例证,发掘敦煌写经制作和修复中的问题,揭示古代佛经写本的特点和历史。  关键词制作敦煌写经《大般若经》
内容提要 本文从理论预设、囚徒状态、解放过程和自由境界四个方面阐释了柏拉图解放理论的思想内涵和对西方政治哲学的意义:囚徒困境的理论预设提出了人的相对解放与彻底解放问题;囚徒状态的根本特征是肉体被强制锁定下的灵魂的无知;个人解放具有偶然性,解锁与引导、灵魂转向与获得知识是个人解放的基本条件;个人自由的至高境界是追求真理的求知生活,但必须融入于实现普遍善的实践生活中才能体现自身的价值。“囚徒解放”启迪