委托经营是一种新型的国有产权管理模式。是企业产权所有者通过合同形式将企业经营管理权,交给有较强经营管理能力并能承担相应经营风险的法人或自然人有偿经营,以明晰企业所有者,经营者和生产者的责权、利关系,实现企业效益最大化的一种经营方式。私营企业佳木斯利华仪器厂,1995年先后受托经营了处停产状态的国有企业,经营一年多的委托经营,两家国有企业都呈现出了生机,为国有企业闯出了一条成功之路。 一、实现互补互利,彼此相得益彰 国有企业佳木斯仪器厂1989年建起了一个90年代比较先进的面包车间,投资达30多万元。建成后,
Entrusted management is a new type of state-owned property management. It is the owner of the enterprise property right who, through the contract, hands over the management right of the enterprise to the legal person or natural person who has the strong operation and management ability and can bear the corresponding operation risk, so as to clarify the responsibility of the enterprise owner, operator and producer, Lee relations, to achieve the maximization of business efficiency of a mode of operation. Jiamusi Lihua Instrument Factory, a private-owned enterprise, was entrusted with running state-owned enterprises that were discontinued in 1995. After more than one year of operation, both state-owned enterprises showed their vitality and made a success for state-owned enterprises. First, to achieve mutual benefit and complement each other each other State-owned enterprises Jiamusi Instrument Factory built in 1989, a more advanced 90's bread shop, an investment of more than 30 million. After its completion,