Objectives: To directionally clone the omp1 gene fromChlamydia trachomatis (Ct) F genotype onto a plasmid vectorfor constructing a rudimentary DNA vaccine.Methods: The complete omp1 gene from genomic DNA of CtF genotype wild species was amplified with primers designedby computer. The recombinant gene was obtained byrestriction enzyme cutting, linking the gene with the plasmidvector in vitro, transforming the recombinant gene intobacteria, and extracting the DNA from the bacteria.Results: DNA extracted from the bacteria was composed ofthe omp1 gene and plasmid, which is identified by threemethods of singular restrictive enzyme cutting, doublerestrictive enzyme cutting and PCR.Conclusion: Cloning of the omp1 gene from the Ct Fgenotype means that a rudimentary DNA vaccine wassuccessfully constructed.