艰难择决世纪末的年初,摆在安徽华源生物药业有限公司前身的原阜阳制药厂领导面前的是他们为之奋斗了30年的殊荣:企业自1996年到1999年,4年的时间滚动发展,超过了26年的总和。这种低成本超常规的扩张,使该公司连续多年利税及出口创汇居安徽省同行业之首,输液年产量位居全省同行业第一位,全国同行业第五位,年产2000万瓶输液车间在国内同行业率先通过了国家 GMP 认证;柠
Difficult Quarrel The beginning of the end of the century, placed in Anhui Huayuan Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. predecessor of the former Fuyang Pharmaceutical Factory leadership is that they have been fighting for 30 years of awards: business from 1996 to 1999, four years time to scroll Development, more than the sum of 26 years. This ultra-low-cost expansion, the company for many years of profits and taxes and export volume ranks first in the same industry in Anhui Province, infusion annual output ranked first in the province with the industry, the fifth in the same industry with an annual output of 20 million Bottle infusion workshop in the same industry took the lead through the national GMP certification;