泡桐是我国特有的优质速生用材树种之一。发展泡桐生产不仅可以加快我省绿化步伐,扩大森林复盖率,增加群众收益,而且对改变我省目前木材生产落后状况,为实现我省林业总产值翻番都具有重要意义。据国内外学者近年调查研究,目前已确定我国泡桐属有九个种二个变种。①白花泡桐〔Paulownia fortunei(Seem.)Hemsl.〕是泡桐属内分布区域最广的一个种,遍布长江以
Paulownia is one of China’s unique high-quality timber species. The development of paulownia production can not only speed up the pace of afforestation in our province, expand the coverage rate of forests and increase people’s income, but also to change the current backward timber production in our province, in order to achieve double the total output value of our province is of great significance. According to the investigation and study of scholars at home and abroad in recent years, at present, there are nine varieties of Paulownia in our country. ① Paulownia Paulownia (Paulownia fortunei (Seem.) Hemsl.) Paulownia is the most widely distributed within a species, all over the Yangtze River to