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1月10日,由北京市新闻出版广电局主办、北京印刷协会承办的第十七届北京市印刷行业职业技能大赛落下帷幕。北京印刷学院师生获多个奖项。自2016年4月中旬大赛启动以来,北京印刷学院印刷与包装工程学院、职业技术学院精心组织学生参加了初赛、复赛、决赛,工程训练中心积极组织协调校内外实操场地并聘请专家对学生进行集中辅导和实操训练。本届比赛不单独设置学生组,参赛学生和职工同场竞技,对学生的技能要求更高,竞争更为激烈。北印师生不畏强手,积极创新,在平版制版工比赛中取得了历史最好成绩。 January 10, sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Press, Publication, and Broadcasting, Beijing Printing Association hosted the Seventh Beijing Printing Industry Vocational Skills Competition came to an end. Beijing Institute of Printing teachers and students won multiple awards. Since the start of the contest in mid-April 2016, the School of Printing and Packaging Engineering and Polytechnic of Beijing Institute of Printing have carefully organized students to participate in the preliminary round, the semi-finals, the finals and the engineering training center to organize and coordinate the actual playgrounds inside and outside the school and employ experts to conduct the students’ Concentrated counseling and practical training. This competition is not set up a separate student groups, participating students and staff competing in the same field, higher skills requirements for students, the competition more intense. The North Indian teachers and students are brave and creative and have achieved the best record in history in the lithographer competition.
本期本栏集中发表文秘工作方面的材料。 This column focuses on the publication of secretarial work materials.
Attaran et al[1] have recently shown that decreased susceptibility of established Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) biofilms to specific antibiotics,was associated
世界正以一种前所未有的速度在汰旧换新,一拨又一拨的新技术、新产品突兀于世人的面前。一种对新事物感到惊奇、略有惶恐的情绪锁定了大多数习惯于传统的人们,他们对 The wo
AIM To characterize natural history of cryptogenic cirrhosis(CC) and compare its clinical features and outcomes to those of hepatitis C virus(HCV)-related cirrh
县级新华书店能否在脱离教材、教辅“两教”,三年内实现“自养”的目标 ?山西省祁县新华书店以其改革实践对此做出了回答并为本行业提供了经验。  迎接挑战建设超市  祁县
我接触《中国乡镇企业会计》这本刊物是在 1997年。起初很陌生,继而慢慢地觉得这本刊物很有用,后来是每期必读,再后来是自费订阅以便收藏。使我意想不到的是:我大胆地投了几篇稿,
在中国社会科学出版社出版的《美学译文丛书》里,《艺术原理》发行七万五千册,是畅销一时的译著。原著写得深入浅出,译本也注意了文从字顺,只是在不少地方留下疑窦,稍加斟酌,就感到文意像缺了点什么。  作者以绘画论述其美学主张时说:“他确实把某些色彩画在了这幅画上,只要睁开我们的眼睛看一看,我们就能在上面找到它们。这就是他作画时所做的一切事情吗?当然不是。他作画时所具有的那种经验,或多或少像我们看画时为自